Engineering Careers at the Top of the List this Year

Engineering candidates are back in big demand. Though systems and methods change, technology grows and the fields often shift, there is always a demand for qualified engineering professionals. For those who are looking for jobs in the engineering field, it helps to know which careers are going to be in demand. 2012 promises to offer a range of opportunities for this field. Should the economy continue to improve, positions in this field could grow significantly.

Top Engineering Fields

For those who are graduating with a degree in engineering, the horizon looks good, even if the economy does not strengthen significant. The key will be to choose a field that is expanding rather than contracting. Some may need to step back into school to freshen skills for this still-demanding and still-changing field. For those who are in the following fields, it may be easier to find positions than other areas of engineering.

Biomedical Engineering

For those still in school, consider moving into the field of biomedical engineering. Biomedical engineers are going to be in demand according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These are engineers with a degree and working knowledge in biology, biomechanical procedures and engineering. Their ability to fit within the bulging health care system and products will push them forward. In fact, with a 72 percent expected increase through 2018, this field is one of the fastest growing fields. The average salary is about $82,000.

This could be one of the best fields to be in for a number of reasons. As the population ages, the demand for better healthcare and a more connected healthcare system will become vital. More health companies are moving towards advanced systems for management of their businesses, too.

Computer Software Engineering

Computer software engineers are also in demand. Those who work in computer design systems and in any related service industry are likely to find themselves in demand. Within this field, a bachelor’s degree may be all that is necessary. Expect the average salary to be about $97,000. The Internet continues to grow and more businesses than ever are moving their accounts online. With cloud management also becoming more in demand around the globe, individuals can count on finding jobs in this field as well.

What 2012 has to offer is unknown, but as the economy continues to improve, jobs in engineering will emerge. Those with the most up to date skills and the ability to apply skills that are more versatile will be more in demand than those that are stuck with engineering skills from ten years ago. There could be a retraction in some fields of engineering. In the global economy we live in, it is likely that this field will grow outward – with more importance paid to those careers that help to connect people and meet the individual’s needs.


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