The big topic on every business owner’s mind these days is sustainability in the midst of economic and industry challenges. The solution to this issue is building “smart” cities that encourage the primary use of electric vehicles (EVs). With more than half of the world’s population now residing in cities and suburban sprawl taking over previous small communities, those that update their utility and energy systems will be in a better future position.
In fact, the United Nations estimates that the number of people living in cities like Chicago and Detroit is expected to rise to nearly 70 percent by the year 2050, and by 2100 almost 85 percent of all human beings will live in an urban landscape. Global energy demand is expected to double by 2050, leaving city officials to seek out solutions that are cost-effective for their city growth.
How Cities Affect the Environment
Cities currently emit 80 percent of all greenhouse gasses, which damage the atmosphere and cause extreme weather conditions. Building cities that are smarter and take advantage of natural energy sources like solar and wind power, as well as using advanced communications and networking systems can help make cities better. In addition, replacing all gasoline and diesel powered vehicles with electric vehicles is the way to reduce the damage done.
The issue comes down to the cost of retrofitting established cities with the facilities needed to provide a never ending source of free electricity to consumers and public utility providers who choose EVs. In the last several years, cities around the US alone have taken measures to reduce carbon emissions by investing in EVs for their trash services and other public services. The switch to other forms of energy such as natural gas is on the rise too, for example you can read a previous post about Michigan City using these alternative fuel vehicles here.
Natural Gas Power Now Road Engine
How do EVs help support sustained business growth and job development in Michigan and other regions? There are several ways that EVs can help breathe new life back into Michigan’s biggest cities, and reduce their harmful impact on the environment at the same time.
EVs can revive Michigan’s auto industry.
If the cities of Michigan get behind the primary use of EVs by private citizens and public services, this will encourage their production. Therefore, the automobile industry will get on board and start finding ways to manufacture them again using previous MI facilities once leading the gasoline powered vehicle industry.
Availability of EVs and services makes them affordable.
While electric vehicles are still somewhat more expensive to purchase, they can become more affordable to the average person when the production rate increases. Smart car stations being added to all major intersections or as part of current gas stations will encourage their use too.
Cities who support EVs can attract more businesses.
When the auto industry catches on and produces EVs at the same rate that former fossil fuel vehicles were manufactured and sold, businesses that are focused on eco-friendly initiatives will come. While many younger cities are catching on, older cities are also revitalizing former industrial sectors to include smart technology that caters to EVs.
More businesses using EVs means more careers.
When new businesses come into the areas that are focused on a better environment through the use of EVs, this is a win-win for everyone. New business means more money to put towards hiring employees and making improvements to the community.
If you are looking for an engineering recruiter in Troy MI, contact us today.