What Are New Grads and Soon-to-Be Grads Looking For in a Career?

With unemployment rates dropping to pre-recession percentages for the first time in many years, it has become a candidate-driven market for much of Michigan. The largest groups where demand is the heaviest are within the science and technology sectors. As an employer, it is important to know what the latest group of college graduates are looking for in their careers.

These emerging adults, as they’ve come to be known as, are ambitious and very career minded. They want rewarding careers that pay well and give them unlimited room for advancement and learning. And they are technologically savvy too, having grown up practically attached to the Internet via mobile devices and social networks.

Smart employers will have a strategic plan in place to attract and recruit these new grads and soon-to-be-grads to include them in their ranks. But what are they looking for?

The overall career experience.

Graduates today are looking for a positive experience from the time they apply for a job to the interview and onboarding process. They value a company that has a smooth process, especially those that use an efficient staffing agency to process them for a speedy hire, plus ongoing support once they get started.

The opportunity to earn respect.

New grads are among the youngest group of employees and they are hoping to earn the respect of their peers quickly. Give them rewarding tasks that help them get this respect early on.

Work-life balance.

Studies have shown that millennials and Generation Z place a high value on work-life balance. Workaholism is no longer desirable. They want time to live healthy lifestyles, spend time with family and friends, and travel.

Building their work-related skills.

Younger employees are also eager to learn new skills to help them stay marketable in an ever-changing workplace. They enjoy learning in a variety of ways, from online to mentoring.

To make a difference in the world.

New grads and those hoping to land careers soon want to work for companies that have a strong social presence that aligns with their community contributions. They want to work for a company that is socially conscious and gives back.

Is your company offering what new grads are looking for in a career? Partner with Venteon to find and attract top candidates to your workplace today.


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