It’s Not Too Late to Find an Engineering Job This Year

As the end of the year approaches, you probably think most engineering firms shut down their hiring efforts until January. This isn’t really true, as many firms are open to finding new talent no matter the season. If you are an engineer looking for a new gig, there is no better time than the present to start your job search.

With being hired by the end of the year in mind – or potentially right after New Years Day – here are a few reasons why it is never too late to find a great new engineering position. Good luck in your search!

Engineering Companies Are Always Looking for Top Talent

While some engineering firms might slow down a bit during the last week of the year, most companies keep their operations active right up until that point. That includes their human resources department. A quick perusal of open positions in the science and technology field reveals many great engineering jobs available at the end of the year.

In short, waiting until January to start your job search may result in you missing out on a dream position. Put those resumes out there!

Seasonal Hiring Trends You Need to Know

Understanding the seasonal hiring trends of engineering companies helps to better plan your job search, while also encouraging you that looking for a new position in December won’t be a futile effort. If a company still needs to make a few hires to meet its yearly quota, expect a number of opportunities to be available.

Another point to consider is many firms look to lower their operating profits at the end of the year to reduce taxes. As a result, they end up spending money on their hiring during the fourth quarter of the year. The bottom line is simple – don’t assume there won’t be any great engineering positions available during the last few weeks of the year.

Partnering with an Engineering Staffing Agency

The best staffing agencies working in the engineering field are aware of these seasonal hiring trends. The smart call is to partner with someone you trust when ready to begin your job search. Rest assured they know what top companies are looking for in new engineers.

If you are searching for a science and engineering staffing agency as a partner, look no further than Venteon. As one of the leading employment firms in the Midwest, we can take your career to its highest level to date. Connect with us as soon as possible.


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