New technology employees right out of school bring a certain enthusiasm to your company. Whether they graduated in the summer or in December, there’s no denying the extra boost they provide the office. Fresh ideas combined with knowledge in the latest technologies give your organization the expertise it needs for added growth.
If hiring a new graduate is the plan, you need to ensure making the correct hiring decision and more. With that in mind, here are a few mistakes to avoid before the choice is final. Good luck in your hiring efforts!
Forming an Opinion on a Candidate too Quickly
Patience remains a key factor in any hiring process. A recent survey noted that nearly 50 percent of all hiring managers decide on whether a candidate is a good fit within the first five minutes of an interview. Remember that a new graduate is probably interviewing for their first real job; chances are good they will be quite nervous – especially technology applicants!
Try to put the candidate at ease when the interview begins; smile and offer them a drink like water or coffee. Delay asking any difficult questions until the middle of the interview. Following these tactics should help the new graduate make a positive – and accurate – impression.
Don’t Oversell the Open Position
Be honest with the candidate about the requirements and duties of the open position. This includes a forthright discussion about the office environment and company culture. Don’t let the candidate’s enthusiasm lead you to oversell the position.
A false sense of expectations only leads to poor employee morale and a low retention rate.
A Poor Onboarding Process
A poorly defined, or even an absent, onboarding process makes it difficult for new employees to make a positive impact for your company. This same rule applies when hiring experienced technology professionals as well as new graduates, but is especially important for those new to the workforce. A lack of preparation gives a poor impression of your organization to new employees.
Make the effort to review your onboarding procedures before beginning any hiring effort. This includes a robust training program, enhanced interaction with their new co-workers, as well as extra advice for those employees just beginning their careers.
When you need additional insights on hiring technology talent, talk to the team of experts at Venteon. As one of the top IT staffing agencies in the Midwest, we also offer great candidates able to help your company grow. Connect with us at your earliest convenience.