Ready to Quit Your Engineering Job? Don’t Make These Mistakes!

There comes a time in an engineering career when quitting your current job needs to happen. Whatever the reason for your resignation – a new position, relocation, etc. – it is important to handle things in a professional manner. It’s a small world out there, and you never know when your (soon-to-be old) boss becomes your new manager at another firm.With a smooth transition in mind, here are a few ideas on how to resign from your engineering job professionally. Good luck in your new direction!

With a smooth transition in mind, here are a few ideas on how to resign from your engineering job professionally.

Always Give At Least Two Weeks’ Notice

Don’t be tempted to suddenly quit your current position. Giving at least two weeks’ notice is a professional courtesy you need to follow. Don’t be surprised if word about a sudden resignation gets out into the engineering community. Remember, you may also need a reference from your current boss in the future.

Don’t Blow Off Steam at the Office

Even if you are quitting due to frustration with your current role, keep any office conversations positive and professional. Vent any steam to your friends and family on your own time. You never want to be perceived as disgruntled or bitter.

Making a big scene and burning bridges on your last day is poor form and may hamper your future professional prospects – no matter your engineering talent level.

Handle Your Exit Interview with Class

If asked to give an exit interview before leaving, take the opportunity to offer feedback in a balanced matter. Don’t focus only on negative issues, and frame any criticism in a constructive manner. Staying objective and calm is the key!

Help Train Your Successor

During the transition period before leaving, be sure to train your replacement engineer while helping out with any knowledge transfer. This is one of the main reasons it is important to give at least two weeks’ notice. Leaving your current employer in a tough situation isn’t something you want on your professional record.

Keep Working Hard Until Your Last Day

Don’t slack off on your last few days on the job. Staying focused and engaged is a must to ensure a successful transition. Leave your former employer with a positive impression of your professionalism.

When you need additional advice on navigating the twists and turns of your engineering career, talk to the knowledgeable team at Venteon. As one of the top staffing agencies in the Midwest, we also know the leading organizations looking for talented professionals. Click to contact us today and find a great new engineering job.



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