On occasion, your company’s hiring effort comes down to a decision between more than one great accounting candidate. When considering the costs of the staffing process, obviously the right choice needs to be made. Of course, the valuable resources spent onboarding and training the new hire also come into play.
What follows are a few insights on how to make a difficult final hiring decision. Hopefully, these tips help ensure your financial organization gains a valued new accounting candidate – for now and in the future.
Detailed Conversations With All References
While checking references is an essential requirement of any hiring process, a difficult final choice means spending additional time with every reference. Try to find out how each candidate performs under pressure. Dig deeper into the tangible impacts both made with their previous employers.
Discovering any evidence that one of the candidates exaggerated their resume details definitely helps your team make the right hiring decision. That extra time with each reference ultimately lets you nail down the correct choice.
Consider the Long-Term Implications of the Hiring Decision
When deciding between two equally qualified candidates, perhaps looking at the long-term helps make things a bit more clear. If one candidate appears to possess better leadership potential, that tips the scales in their favor. This especially matters if your company prefers to develop managers from within.
On the other hand, if one candidate isn’t from the area, they may hope to move back home at some point. Difficult hiring decisions really require a deep analysis of everything related to both candidates. Sometimes those smallest differentiators are like the proverbial needle in the haystack.
Look For the Right Cultural Fit
Company culture plays a big role in the happiness of all employees. Analyze which candidate makes the best fit on your accounting team and let the results of that analysis drive your final hiring decision. Ultimately, you want to be able to retain the new employee as long as possible. This also relates the previous section on the long-term implications of your final choice.
At the same time, consider the overall interest each candidate has in your open position. These factors definitely matter when making any difficult hiring decision.
If you need additional insights on building a great accounting team at your firm, talk to the experts at Venteon. As one of the leading financial staffing agencies in Michigan, we have the candidates who can help your company’s success. Click to contact us today!