The IT industry spends millions – perhaps even billions – on a variety of information security initiatives. Typically, these efforts focus on securing the corporate data and technical infrastructure from nefarious agents on the outside, namely hackers and other cyber criminals. But what about cybersecurity threats from inside the office or the company firewall?
The simple fact is that businesses need information security protection from both directions. Let’s look more closely at a few ideas for the mitigation of cybersecurity threats from the inside. It’s the best approach for securing your organization’s technical assets.
An Information Security Incident Response Team Is a Must
Any business that relies on data and technology requires an incident response team for handling cybersecurity attacks from both the outside and inside. No matter the size of the organization, at least one person needs responsibility for this role. This is especially critical for businesses with important data governance requirements, like those in government and finance.
Task this team with crafting a set of well-defined information security policies and procedures. Additionally, provide the incident team, as well as your regular IT staff, with the right cybersecurity training to keep up with the latest threats.
Regularly Audit for Unused Accounts
One cybersecurity procedure for your IT staff to perform is a regular audit of all email and network accounts used in the organization. Any older accounts not being used provide the means for hackers to gain access to vital systems. Make it a point to either delete or disable the accounts discovered through the auditing process.
Identify Disgruntled Employees
Internal sabotage of IT systems by unhappy employees remains one of the biggest inside cybersecurity threats. Work with your HR team to devise a system for tracking employee morale, with an eye towards the identification of the most disgruntled members of your team. It is also important to foster the kind of company culture that keeps office morale at its highest.
On a similar note, when it comes time to terminate an employee for whatever reason, your organization must closely follow a set of established procedures. Include the disabling of all email and related technical accounts. It is important this happens immediately before the employee is walked out the door. Don’t put your technical infrastructure at risk!
When you need additional advice on growing your IT team, talk with the experts at Venteon. As one of the top technical staffing agencies in the Midwest, we provide the candidates able to help you succeed. Click to schedule a meeting with us today!