The competition for the best technology professionals remains fierce. The demand for IT talent experienced in information security, data science, web development, and mobile programming is especially high. Failure to find and hire these talented tech pros puts any organization at a disadvantage; quite possibly leading to the development of a skills gap.
Formulating a well-considered staffing plan helps ensure your company’s hiring needs are met. Here are a few tips aimed at improving the talent level in your office for 2019 and beyond.
Keep Your Interview Team in Alignment
The interviewing process suffers when your interviewers work independently from each other. This leads to misreading a candidate’s abilities, and potentially the wrong hire being made. You need to brainstorm with your team to formulate a set of standardized questions and a rating system to be used by everyone.
When a hiring need arises, work together on writing a job description, while crafting a few questions specific to the new position. Make sure this effort includes identifying the core skills needed for the job. This helps ensure everyone stays on the same page as candidates are interviewed and rated.
Company Culture Matters
In addition to technical competencies, formulate questions aimed at determining the candidate’s fit in your office. Remember, this cultural fit plays a big role in being able to retain your new hire. Being forced to re-engage your hiring process after a new employee leaves plays havoc with operational efficiency and staffing budget.
At the same time, if the organization wants to enhance its company culture, consider this fact when crafting the job description. Once again, write some questions to identify this aspect of a candidate. Employing a diverse workforce is a plus in the modern IT industry.
Consider Capability Over Pedigree or Experience
Your hiring team needn’t focus only on whether a candidate boasts a degree from a high-end school or decades of experience. How well their skills match the ideal profile for the job description offers a better predictor of success on the job. This rule even applies when it comes to experience.
Ultimately, make sure a candidate’s skills, achievements and cultural fit are compatible with what your company needs. This ensures the right hire is made.
When you need help finding and hiring top technology talent, talk to the experts at Venteon. As one of the leading technical staffing agencies in Michigan, we boast the candidates able to hit the ground running. Click to schedule your free staffing consultation.