Looking for a New Job for 2019? Here’s How to Do It While You’re Employed Somewhere Else.

If a change in your career path is in the works for the new year, don’t fret about embarking on a job search while still employed. The right amount of discretion helps keep your quest secret until you are ready to give notice. Ultimately, you need to do what’s best for your own professional growth.

Here are a few tips on how to look for a new position without raising the suspicion of your current employer. Leverage these ideas for a successful job hunt in 2019.

Forego Any Watercooler Discussion of Your Job Search

Even if you count some of your co-workers among your closest friends, don’t spill the beans about a job search to anyone at the office. Chances are greater than zero the word gets out to your managers, despite the best intentions of a co-worker friend. Accidents do happen, after all.

Frankly, spending the holidays unemployed isn’t good for spreading seasonal cheer.

Don’t Use Company Email or Equipment to Conduct Your Search

While it may seem obvious, using your company email address as a point of contact for a job search practically ensures your effort being discovered. The same rule applies to an office computer or a company-issued smartphone. Conduct any search outside the office using your own email, computer, and communication device.

If you must, use your own mobile data plan for any job search related activities while in the office. Remember to only do so when on a break or during your lunch hour, as keeping things professional is vital. Also make any phone calls outside the office, as privacy is paramount.

Try to Schedule Interviews After Work

When it’s time to interview, discretion becomes even more important. Try to schedule any interviews for after office hours. Even lunchtime interviews raise suspicion, especially if you are dressed up for the big event. Take a personal day, or even some vacation time if multiple interviews are scheduled.

Only Use Former Employers as References

It’s another obvious tip, but don’t use any current co-workers as a reference, even if they are a trusted friend. Most prospective employers won’t have a problem contacting an older reference, especially if you are a favored candidate.

When you need advice on your job search, speak with the knowledgeable recruiters at Venteon. As one of the top technical staffing agencies in Detroit, we also know the companies looking for talented professionals. Connect with us soon, or click here to check out our open jobs!



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