Whenever looking for a new accounting position, expect many other financial candidates to be competing for that same job. You need to stand out from the pack to ensure your chance for an interview and a job offer. Understand that hiring managers are discerning when vetting applicants for their company’s open accounting position.
So let’s take a closer look at a few tips to highlight your accounting candidacy to potential employers. Getting your résumé noticed definitely matters, but you also need a top-shelf interview performance. So leverage this advice to give yourself the best chance at the financial job of your dreams.
A Well-Crafted Accounting Résumé is Critical
When applying for an open accounting position, expect to join as many as 100 other candidates. This makes it critical that hiring managers actually notice your résumé. Also, keep in mind HR personnel typically have only a minute or two for a quick first perusal of your CV.
Because of this situation, crafting a clear and easy-to-read résumé becomes crucial. Also, provide a quick two-sentence professional summary, helping the hiring manager quickly determine your potential fit for this position. Include relevant details on your skills and experience, drawing attention to any earned certifications or professional education. Detail the tangible impacts you made for previous employers, using facts and figures as necessary.
Also, remember that most hiring managers search for accounting candidates online. Because of this, you need to improve your résumé’s SEO by including the latest keywords for accounting candidates. Your goal at this stage of your job search involves earning an interview. As such, make sure your CV stands out from other candidates’ hoard.
Prepare to Give an Exemplary Interview Performance
Once you earn that interview for a great open accounting position, the real work now begins. You need to spend significant time practicing for the big day. This prep work also includes reviewing your résumé and researching the company in question.
You want this information at the forefront of your mind so you answer clearly and confidently. Expect many open-ended questions about your accounting and financial skills and experience.
In addition to speaking clearly, also focus your practice on maintaining natural eye contact. Positive body language also plays a key role in the ultimate success of the interview. So go out and earn that coveted accounting job offer!
If you need additional help with your accounting job search, contact the experienced recruiters at Venteon. As one of the top financial staffing agencies in Michigan, we know the companies looking for talented candidates like you. Connect with us soon!Contact