Over 40 and Overqualified? Here’s How to Get a Tech Job Anyway

Human resource experts call the phenomenon of candidates who are over 40 and overqualified the “double whammy.” We all know it is illegal to hire candidates based on age, but the sad fact is that candidates who fall into this category are less likely to be chosen for a job at double the rate. Despite the age of 40 and being overqualified, candidates can still obtain jobs in the tech world – if they know how to impress and sell their experience to employers.

Emphasize Capabilities

One of the best ways to secure a tech job despite your age and over qualifications is to emphasize capabilities instead of experience. Talk about your set of skills, what it is you bring to the company and how all of your capabilities will translate to the job if you are hired. Many companies like to hire tech employees based on their capabilities first and their experience second, because they want employees who can take the reigns as soon as they are hired.

Avoid Using Common Age-Related Phrases

Another way to get hired for a tech job when overqualified and over the age of 40 is to avoid using common age-related phrases during a job interview. Those common age-related phrases include any of the following:

  • Years ago.
  • When I was younger.
  • At my age.
  • We used to.
  • Back then.

Provide Solutions to Problems

If you know what some common problems are for a company heading into the job interview, offer solutions to those problems. When you offer solutions, you prove your worth and value to the company and help the interviewer ignore your age and the fact that you might be overqualified for the tech job.

Talk About Commitment

If the interviewer is asking you questions that are hinting at your age, talk about commitment in your answers. Tell the interviewer that you will be committed to the company for at least five years and then ask them how many young job candidates will offer such a lengthy commitment. This shows the company how dedicated you will be, and even put the idea in the interviewers head that hiring an overqualified candidate for the tech job might be better than hiring a younger candidate.

Use the Word ‘Only’

When interviewing for a tech job at the age of 40 and with plenty of qualifications, make sure you use the word ‘only’ in some of your responses. For example, if you are outright asked about your age, make sure you answer using the word ‘only’ in front of your age. This will help to change the thought process of the interviewer.

There is nothing stopping you from securing a tech job over the age of 40. You just need to know how to impress the interviewer and convince them that you are perfect for the position.

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